5 things I learned about myself since moving to the PNW

  1. Styling outfits in the winter is not for me.

    I gave myself such a hard time for the longest time about getting dressed, I know I feel better when I do. Especially with so many days spent home caring for small children. Getting dressed has always been the easiest way to remind myself I’m there. But in the winter… it’s all about utility. I gave it so many tries and I cannot find it in me to wear anything not warm, not comfortable under a parka, or something that doesnt repel water and leaves me cold and wet.

  2. I DO find styling my home through the seasons so fulfilling.

    I always knew something about the seasons would ground me. Force me into a phase that I needed but mentally didn’t want to transition to. Licing with the seasons isn’t as glamourous or grounding as I’d hoped but styling and making subtle changes to my home to remind me that there’s something to be said for living with the seasons- a reason for the seasons was really fulfilling.

    I dont mean excessive holdiay decoring or spring throw pilloows although I appreciate a good home goods seasonal find. Minal “merry, merry merry” door mat? yes please. But something more maneagelble for me- a cozier winter blanket, some fall foliage, or bulkier cermiz mugs for sipping that third latte can make a rainy day inside more bearble.

  3. City (like major metro) amenities aren’t as important to me as I once thought.

    One of the major reasons we left San Luis Obispo for Portland is because after living in the San Francisco and Marin for 11 years, we missed city life and we’re searching for that balance between city amenities (hi major airport) and a more moderate paced life. We made the move to San Luis Obispo when my daughter was just under 2 years old. As she grew up and we welcomed our third little one, I've come to realize that city amenities like shopping, restaurants, cafes, and events aren't as important as I once thought.

    Don’t get me wrong- I love a trip to the Marin Country Mart, where one of my kids played on the minimalist playground of logs and astroturf while the other napped in the stroller. I am there sipping coffee, daydreaming, and window shopping. But I’ll be honest, life looks different with multiple kids at the ages they are. And did it ever really look that way or is my nostalgia kicking in? Here, on sunny days, we mostly find ourselves grabbing coffee, heading to the park, visiting a local farm or apple orchard, or taking a trip to the beach. It's a calmer pace, everyone gets outdoors, no one’s over-stimulated and everyone's happy.

  4. There is outside-y and outdoors-y people.

    I was drawn to the PNW persona of appreciating nature and being outside. That being said, I just like being outside and usually, I like being outside in a comfortable way. If it’s rainy and cold, I’ll need a fire, overhead heater, and a structure to block the rain. I know a lot of people love to camp, kayak, canoe, and climb mountains- even with their families and young kids. For me, I’m just not into these big excursions while my children are super young. I’ll just take a day on the coast or a glass of champagne while I look at a mountain. Maybe one day I’ll find an adventurous side within, but for now, I am just happy to appreciate the beauty of the outdoors without actively engaging with it.

  5. I love Portland’s personality, neighborhoods, and neighborly feels.

    Portland has a reputation. Depending on your circle, you may have heard great or not-so-great things. For us, it’s idyllic. We know our neighbors and send our kids over for a cup of sugar. There are impromptu front yard play dates and block parties. We’ve become friends with the baristas at the local coffee shop and often run into the same families at the neighborhood park. Like most cities, each neighborhood has its own personality and vibe, but everywhere we go there is an undertone of sincerity, authenticity, and acceptance. Socially, I've never experienced such an inclusive and kind place. I know there are problems and this isn’t everyone’s experience but this has been mine.

Most of the outfits in this reel are old but you can find some linked here , here and here.


Bedtime Routines For Adults