Living Room & Entry Refresh 2/3

Color Palette & Textures

We’ve done this a time or two and there’s some rhyme and reason to getting it right. A long time ago I watched a show called “What Not to Wear.” The one with Stacy and Clinton (IYKYK) and there was something that resonated... How to make an outfit interesting. It went like Color, Pattern, Texture, Shine. I think it works and I think it works for interiors too. Some thoughts on how I selected the color palette and textures for our living room & entry refresh.

  • Light - Consider your space throughout the day and across the seasons. While I adored the patterns and colors in our first rug, I realized if I was going to do winter I was going to need a little more light. Although our room receives ample natural light, Pacific Northwest winters can be dim, so I opted for lighter colors in our larger pieces.

  • Textures - For me, thoughtfully incorporating textures adds so much visual interest and coziness to a space! One easy spot to add texture is the sofa and chairs. I love incorporating velvet (IKEA makes a great velvet like throw pillow) along with something woven or knitted. However, I've learned to be cautious with the qauntity—refer to my previous post where I discuss my limitations on throw pillow and blanket replacements.

    Another way of adding texture is layers. Layering rugs or throw blankets is my go to. For rugs, I prefer to keep the base simple and of an organic material, then introduce more visual interest with the top layer.

    Walls - Don’t worry, I'm not suggesting popcorn or excessively textured walls. If it aligns with your style, an old (or new) plaster wall can provide abundant texture without revisiting one of our countries worst design trends. Beyond the walls themselves, different art pieces and frames can also infuse texture and warmth. I'm currently working adding some art to our living room (stay tuned!).

  • Colors - It took me quite a while to realize that if I like something, it doesn’t necessarily have to be mine. :) Choose a color palette, or even better, a house persona! And stick to it when it comes to color. While I do appreciate some tones of neon and fuchsia, I've opted for an earthy vibe in our seaside Tudor home (there’s that persona). I reserve the bold tones for the children's clothing and bedrooms, much to their gratitude.


Living Room & Entry Refresh 3/3


Living Room and Entry Refresh